OEM Co-Engineering

Technische Dienstleistungen für die digitale Inkjet-Industrie

Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1995 arbeitet die Matti-Group mit den grössten Akteuren der digitalen Inkjet-Rollenindustrie zusammen. Viele bekannte digitale Inkjet-Drucker, die auf dem Markt erhältlich sind und tausendfach gebaut wurden, kommen ursprünglich von uns und werden immer noch in unserem Werk in der Schweiz produziert. Wir sind ein erfahrenes Team von hochqualifizierten und motivierten Ingenieuren und unterstützen die Ideen unserer OEM-Partner. Häufig treten wir auch mit eigenen Produktideen proaktiv an unsere OEM-Partner heran. Insbesondere, wenn das angedachte Produkt in ein Marktsegment passt, das unser OEM-Partner noch nicht abdeckt.

Technische Fähigkeiten

Unser Knowhow umfasst nicht nur schlüsselfertige industrielle Inkjet-Lösungen. Wir unterstützen Sie auch hinsichtlich

• Entwurf, Prototyping und Serienfertigung von digitalen Tintenstrahl-Schreibsystemen - druckkopfunabhängig
• Entwurf, Prototyping und Serienfertigung von Substrattransportern für Papier, Faltschachteln, flexible Materialien und andere
• Teilsysteme wie Stanzen, Perforieren, Schneiden und Stapeln
• (N)IR / Heissluft / UV-Trocknung
• Softwareentwicklung (Maschinensteuerung und digitales Frontend)

sowie mit einem starken Partnernetzwerk im Bereich der Tintenchemie.


Unser Co-Engineering-Prozess ist auf eine echte Partnerschaft zwischen den beiden beteiligten Unternehmen ausgerichtet. Er beginnt deutlich vor der Entwicklung mit Beratungsaufgaben, durchläuft einen effizienten Entwicklungsprozess und führt zu einem High-End-Produkt. Diese Partnerschaft erstreckt sich erfahrungsgemäss über viele Jahre hinweg auf die Service- und Supportaspekte des gemeinsam entwickelten Produkts.

Market Analysis and Research

Matti is at home in different industrial inkjet segments and has a broad understanding of where the segment is moving towards. From there, Matti defines areas of interest that show good potential and suggests ideas for future products to its OEM customers.

Product Concept

Based on the feedback of the OEM customer, Matti will put together a comprehensive concept and proposal for the new product. This includes all aspects such as the machine itself, all process relevant information and proposals for suitable inks and other consumables.

Financial Feasibility

Running cost is the most critical metric for financial viability of an industrial digital inkjet press. Together with the customer, Matti will assist with all the tests involved to gain the exact figures on required consumables, maintenance and service. With this basis, an extensive analysis can be performed and the financial feasibility is precisely evaluated in comparison with solutions that exist on the market.


After the GO for the product has been received from the customer, Matti will set up an interdisciplinary project team to tackle the development of the new product. This includes mechanical, electronics, software, process and chemical engineers that work seamlessly together in a dedicated environment.


After the design has completed and frozen, parts are ordered and the first prototype unit is built. This will normally lead to some design iterations, that are immediately included into the design files. After installing and commissioning of the protoype at a first friendly customer, all required adjustments are made and the design is signed off for serial production. This latest product revision is EMC and safety tested before it runs into serial production.

Serial Production / Mass Manufacturing

In a serial production context, the OEM customer will normally provide an exact forecast on the amount of units to be produced over the next 3 to 5 years. Based on that forcast, the Matti purchasing department will negotiate parts pricing with the suppliers with the goal to manufacture at the best possible price. Quality and reliability are first priorities and are secured through the documented quality processes.

Life Cycle Management

Due to changing market needs and improvement roadmaps of the OEM customer, changes and / or new features may become necessary for the released product. Matti will support the customer through these changes with the necessary exeperience and ressources to accomodate such changes and feaure developments.

Service and Support

In a normal setup between the OEM customer and Matti, the customer will provide first and second level support to the end customer. Matti provides third level support, i.e. taking interventions to the site of the OEM or end customer, should this become necessary. Besides this, all Matti developped and manufactured machinery are connected remotely which makes software upgrades and diagnosis simple.